0ЎŝUXcӱcommentpŝUŝUDŝUŝU/_ "UQʝUŝU \` @0ŝUp@׎ getClipPath1ŝUژcȿ؎ getclippathŝU@ŝUDŝU ŝU0_ "U1poŝUŝU@0@ŝUe@׎ getClipRule1 ŝUeȿ؎ getclipruleŝUpŝUDŝU0ŝU0_ "U1poŝUŝU0PŝUfCi getClipUnits10ŝU"8ոi getclipunitsŝUŝUDŝU@ŝU1_ "U1poŝUŝU0`ŝU ki getFillColor1@ŝUKBp getDensity$1ŝUv;Kp getdensityPŝUŝUDŝUНŝUT_ "U1?ȝU0ŝUB@`ŝU"?(getTextDirectionAНŝU+s,gettextdirectionRfӱŝU ŝUDŝUŝUS_ "U1?ȝUŝU@ŝUwC˃ÒsetTextDirection UOŝUAŝU9,ctsettextdirectionPŝU@QŝUŝUPŝUDŝU0ŝUS_ "Us = strpos($strTagName, ' ')) !== false) { $strTagName = substr($strTagName, 1, $pos - 1); } else { $strTagName = substr($strTagName, 1, -1); } // Skip empty tags if (\in_array($strTagName, $arrEmptyTags)) { continue; } // Store opening tags in the open_tags array if (strncmp($strTagName, '/', 1) !== 0) { if ($i<$c || !empty($arrChunks[$i])) { $arrOpenTags[] = $strTagName; } continue; } // Closing tags will be removed from the "open tags" array if ($i<$c || !empty($arrChunks[$i])) { $arrOpenTags = array_values($arrOpenTags); for ($j=\count($arrOpenTags)-1; $j>=0; $j--) { if ($strTagName == '/' . $arrOpenTags[$j]) { unset($arrOpenTags[$j]); break; } } } } // If the current chunk contains text, add tags and text to the return string if ($i<$c || \strlen($arrChunks[$i])) { $strReturn .= implode('', $arrTagBuffer) . $arrChunks[$i]; } // Stop after the first shortened chunk (see #7311) if ($blnModified) { break; } $arrTagBuffer = array(); continue; } break; } // Close all remaining open tags krsort($arrOpenTags); foreach ($arrOpenTags as $strTag) { $strReturn .= ''; } return trim($strReturn); } /** * Decode all entities * * @param mixed $strString The string to decode * @param integer $strQuoteStyle The quote style (defaults to ENT_QUOTES) * @param string $strCharset An optional charset * * @return string The decoded string */ public static function decodeEntities($strString, $strQuoteStyle=ENT_QUOTES, $strCharset=null) { if ((string) $strString === '') { return ''; } if ($strCharset === null) { $strCharset = 'UTF-8'; } else { trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.13', 'Passing a charset to StringUtil::decodeEntities() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Always use UTF-8 instead.'); } $strString = preg_replace('/(&#*\w+)[\x00-\x20]+;/i', '$1;', $strString); $strString = preg_replace('/(&#x*)([0-9a-f]+);/i', '$1$2;', $strString); return html_entity_decode($strString, $strQuoteStyle, $strCharset); } /** * Restore basic entities * * @param string|array $strBuffer The string with the tags to be replaced * * @return string|array The string with the original entities */ public static function restoreBasicEntities($strBuffer) { return str_replace(array('[&]', '[&]', '[lt]', '[gt]', '[nbsp]', '[-]'), array('&', '&', '<', '>', ' ', '­'), $strBuffer); } /** * Generate an alias from a string * * @param string $strString The string * * @return string The alias */ public static function generateAlias($strString) { $strString = static::decodeEntities($strString); $strString = static::restoreBasicEntities($strString); $strString = static::standardize(strip_tags($strString)); // Remove the prefix if the alias is not numeric (see #707) if (strncmp($strString, 'id-', 3) === 0 && !is_numeric($strSubstr = substr($strString, 3))) { $strString = $strSubstr; } return $strString; } /** * Prepare a slug * * @param string $strSlug The slug * * @return string */ public static function prepareSlug($strSlug) { $strSlug = static::stripInsertTags($strSlug); $strSlug = static::restoreBasicEntities($strSlug); $strSlug = static::decodeEntities($strSlug); return $strSlug; } /** * Censor a single word or an array of words within a string * * @param string $strString The string to censor * @param mixed $varWords A string or array or words to replace * @param string $strReplace An optional replacement string * * @return string The cleaned string */ public static function censor($strString, $varWords, $strReplace='') { foreach ((array) $varWords as $strWord) { $strString = preg_replace('/\b(' . str_replace('\*', '\w*?', preg_quote($strWord, '/')) . ')\b/i', $strReplace, $strString); } return $strString; } /** * Encode all e-mail addresses within a string * * @param string $strString The string to encode * * @return string The encoded string */ public static function encodeEmail($strString) { if (strpos($strString, '@') === false) { return $strString; } $arrEmails = static::extractEmail($strString, Config::get('allowedTags')); foreach ($arrEmails as $strEmail) { $strEncoded = ''; $arrCharacters = mb_str_split($strEmail); foreach ($arrCharacters as $index => $strCharacter) { $strEncoded .= sprintf(($index % 2) ? '&#x%X;' : '&#%s;', mb_ord($strCharacter)); } $strString = str_replace($strEmail, $strEncoded, $strString); } return str_replace('mailto:', 'mailto:', $strString); } /** * Extract all e-mail addresses from a string * * @param string $strString The string * @param string $strAllowedTags A list of allowed HTML tags * * @return array The e-mail addresses */ public static function extractEmail($strString, $strAllowedTags='') { $arrEmails = array(); if (strpos($strString, '@') === false) { return $arrEmails; } // Find all mailto: addresses preg_match_all('/mailto:(?:[^\x00-\x20\x22\x40\x7F]{1,64}+|\x22[^\x00-\x1F\x7F]{1,64}?\x22)@(?:\[(?:IPv)?[a-f0-9.:]{1,47}]|[\w.-]{1,252}\.[a-z]{2,63}\b)/u', $strString, $matches); foreach ($matches[0] as &$strEmail) { $strEmail = str_replace('mailto:', '', $strEmail); if (Validator::isEmail($strEmail)) { $arrEmails[] = $strEmail; } } unset($strEmail); // Encode opening arrow brackets (see #3998) $strString = preg_replace_callback('@/]*)@', static function ($matches) use ($strAllowedTags) { if (!$matches[1] || stripos($strAllowedTags, '<' . strtolower($matches[1]) . '>') === false) { $matches[0] = str_replace('<', '<', $matches[0]); } return $matches[0]; }, $strString); // Find all addresses in the plain text preg_match_all('/(?:[^\x00-\x20\x22\x40\x7F]{1,64}|\x22[^\x00-\x1F\x7F]{1,64}?\x22)@(?:\[(?:IPv)?[a-f0-9.:]{1,47}]|[\w.-]{1,252}\.[a-z]{2,63}\b)/u', strip_tags($strString), $matches); foreach ($matches[0] as &$strEmail) { $strEmail = str_replace('<', '<', $strEmail); if (Validator::isEmail($strEmail)) { $arrEmails[] = $strEmail; } } return array_unique($arrEmails); } /** * Split a friendly-name e-mail address and return name and e-mail as array * * @param string $strEmail A friendly-name e-mail address * * @return array An array with name and e-mail address */ public static function splitFriendlyEmail($strEmail) { if (strpos($strEmail, '<') !== false) { return array_map('trim', explode(' <', str_replace('>', '', $strEmail))); } if (strpos($strEmail, '[') !== false) { return array_map('trim', explode(' [', str_replace(']', '', $strEmail))); } return array('', $strEmail); } /** * Wrap words after a particular number of characers * * @param string $strString The string to wrap * @param integer $strLength The number of characters to wrap after * @param string $strBreak An optional break character * * @return string The wrapped string */ public static function wordWrap($strString, $strLength=75, $strBreak="\n") { return wordwrap($strString, $strLength, $strBreak); } /** * Highlight a phrase within a string * * @param string $strString The string * @param string $strPhrase The phrase to highlight * @param string $strOpeningTag The opening tag (defaults to ) * @param string $strClosingTag The closing tag (defaults to ) * * @return string The highlighted string */ public static function highlight($strString, $strPhrase, $strOpeningTag='', $strClosingTag='') { if (!$strString || !$strPhrase) { return $strString; } return preg_replace('/(' . preg_quote($strPhrase, '/') . ')/i', $strOpeningTag . '\\1' . $strClosingTag, $strString); } /** * Split a string of comma separated values * * @param string $strString The string to split * @param string $strDelimiter An optional delimiter * * @return array The string chunks */ public static function splitCsv($strString, $strDelimiter=',') { $arrValues = preg_split('/' . $strDelimiter . '(?=(?:[^"]*"[^"]*")*(?![^"]*"))/', $strString); foreach ($arrValues as $k=>$v) { $arrValues[$k] = trim($v, ' "'); } return $arrValues; } /** * Convert a string to XHTML * * @param string $strString The HTML5 string * * @return string The XHTML string * * @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.9, to be removed in Contao 5.0 */ public static function toXhtml($strString) { trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.9', 'The "StringUtil::toXhtml()" method has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.'); $arrPregReplace = array ( '/<(br|hr|img)([^>]*)>/i' => '<$1$2 />', // Close stand-alone tags '/ border="[^"]*"/' => '' // Remove deprecated attributes ); $arrStrReplace = array ( '/ />' => ' />', // Fix incorrectly closed tags '' => '', // Replace with '' => '', '' => '', // Replace with '' => '', '' => '', '' => '', ' target="_self"' => '', ' target="_blank"' => ' onclick="return !window.open(this.href)"' ); $strString = preg_replace(array_keys($arrPregReplace), $arrPregReplace, $strString); $strString = str_ireplace(array_keys($arrStrReplace), $arrStrReplace, $strString); return $strString; } /** * Convert a string to HTML5 * * @param string $strString The XHTML string * * @return string The HTML5 string * * @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.13, to be removed in Contao 5.0 */ public static function toHtml5($strString) { trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.13', 'The "StringUtil::toHtml5()" method has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0.'); $arrPregReplace = array ( '/<(br|hr|img)([^>]*) \/>/i' => '<$1$2>', // Close stand-alone tags '/ (cellpadding|cellspacing|border)="[^"]*"/' => '', // Remove deprecated attributes '/ rel="lightbox(\[([^\]]+)\])?"/' => ' data-lightbox="$2"' // see #4073 ); $arrStrReplace = array ( '' => '', '' => '', ' target="_self"' => '', ' onclick="window.open(this.href); return false"' => ' target="_blank"', ' onclick="window.open(this.href);return false"' => ' target="_blank"', ' onclick="window.open(this.href); return false;"' => ' target="_blank"' ); $strString = preg_replace(array_keys($arrPregReplace), $arrPregReplace, $strString); $strString = str_ireplace(array_keys($arrStrReplace), $arrStrReplace, $strString); return $strString; } /** * Parse simple tokens * * @param string $strString The string to be parsed * @param array $arrData The replacement data * @param array $blnAllowHtml Whether HTML should be decoded inside conditions * * @return string The converted string * * @throws \RuntimeException If $strString cannot be parsed * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If there are incorrectly formatted if-tags * * @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.10, to be removed in Contao 5. * Use the contao.string.simple_token_parser service instead. */ public static function parseSimpleTokens($strString, $arrData, $blnAllowHtml = true) { trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.10', 'Using "Contao\StringUtil::parseSimpleTokens()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use the "contao.string.simple_token_parser" service instead.'); return System::getContainer()->get('contao.string.simple_token_parser')->parse($strString, $arrData, $blnAllowHtml); } /** * Convert a UUID string to binary data * * @param string $uuid The UUID string * * @return string The binary data */ public static function uuidToBin($uuid) { return hex2bin(str_replace('-', '', $uuid)); } /** * Get a UUID string from binary data * * @param string $data The binary data * * @return string The UUID string */ public static function binToUuid($data) { return implode('-', unpack('H8time_low/H4time_mid/H4time_high/H4clock_seq/H12node', $data)); } /** * Encode a string with Crockford’s Base32 (0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ) * * @see StringUtil::decodeBase32() */ public static function encodeBase32(string $bytes): string { $result = array(); foreach (str_split($bytes, 5) as $chunk) { $result[] = substr( str_pad( strtr( base_convert(bin2hex(str_pad($chunk, 5, "\0")), 16, 32), 'ijklmnopqrstuv', 'jkmnpqrstvwxyz', // Crockford's Base32 ), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT, ), 0, (int) ceil(\strlen($chunk) * 8 / 5), ); } return strtoupper(implode('', $result)); } /** * Decode a Crockford’s Base32 encoded string * * Uppercase and lowercase letters are supported. Letters O and o are * interpreted as 0. Letters I, i, L and l are interpreted as 1. * * @see StringUtil::encodeBase32() */ public static function decodeBase32(string $base32String): string { if (1 !== preg_match('/^[0-9a-tv-z]*$/i', $base32String)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Base32 string must only consist of digits and letters except "U"'); } $result = array(); foreach (str_split($base32String, 8) as $chunk) { $result[] = substr( hex2bin( str_pad( base_convert( strtr( str_pad(strtolower($chunk), 8, '0'), 'oiljkmnpqrstvwxyz', // Crockford's Base32 '011ijklmnopqrstuv', ), 32, 16, ), 10, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT, ), ), 0, (int) floor(\strlen($chunk) * 5 / 8), ); } return implode('', $result); } /** * Convert file paths inside "src" attributes to insert tags * * @param string $data The markup string * * @return string The markup with file paths converted to insert tags */ public static function srcToInsertTag($data) { $return = ''; $paths = preg_split('/((src|href)="([^"]+)")/i', $data, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); for ($i=0, $c=\count($paths); $i<$c; $i+=4) { $return .= $paths[$i]; if (!isset($paths[$i+1])) { continue; } $file = FilesModel::findByPath($paths[$i+3]); if ($file !== null) { $return .= $paths[$i+2] . '="{{file::' . static::binToUuid($file->uuid) . '|urlattr}}"'; } else { $return .= $paths[$i+2] . '="' . $paths[$i+3] . '"'; } } return $return; } /** * Convert insert tags inside "src" attributes to file paths * * @param string $data The markup string * * @return string The markup with insert tags converted to file paths */ public static function insertTagToSrc($data) { $return = ''; $paths = preg_split('/((src|href)="([^"]*){{file::([^"}|]+)[^"}]*}}")/i', $data, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); for ($i=0, $c=\count($paths); $i<$c; $i+=5) { $return .= $paths[$i]; if (!isset($paths[$i+1])) { continue; } $file = FilesModel::findByUuid($paths[$i+4]); if ($file !== null) { $return .= $paths[$i+2] . '="' . $paths[$i+3] . $file->path . '"'; } else { $return .= $paths[$i+2] . '="' . $paths[$i+3] . $paths[$i+4] . '"'; } } return $return; } /** * Sanitize a file name * * @param string $strName The file name * * @return string The sanitized file name */ public static function sanitizeFileName($strName) { // Remove invisible control characters and unused code points $strName = preg_replace('/[\pC]/u', '', $strName); if ($strName === null) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The file name could not be sanitzied'); } // Remove special characters not supported on e.g. Windows return str_replace(array('\\', '/', ':', '*', '?', '"', '<', '>', '|'), '-', $strName); } /** * Resolve a flagged URL such as assets/js/core.js|static|10184084 * * @param string $url The URL * * @return \stdClass The options object */ public static function resolveFlaggedUrl(&$url) { $options = new \stdClass(); // Defaults $options->static = false; $options->media = null; $options->mtime = null; $options->async = false; $chunks = explode('|', $url); // Remove the flags from the URL $url = $chunks[0]; for ($i=1, $c=\count($chunks); $i<$c; $i++) { if (empty($chunks[$i])) { continue; } switch ($chunks[$i]) { case 'static': $options->static = true; break; case 'async': $options->async = true; break; case is_numeric($chunks[$i]): $options->mtime = $chunks[$i]; break; default: $options->media = $chunks[$i]; break; } } return $options; } /** * Convert the character encoding * * @param string $str The input string * @param string $to The target character set * @param string $from An optional source character set * * @return string The converted string */ public static function convertEncoding($str, $to, $from=null) { if ($str !== null && !\is_scalar($str) && !(\is_object($str) && method_exists($str, '__toString'))) { trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.9', 'Passing a non-stringable argument to StringUtil::convertEncoding() has been deprecated an will no longer work in Contao 5.0.'); return ''; } $str = (string) $str; if ('' === $str) { return $str; } if (!$from) { $from = mb_detect_encoding($str, 'ASCII,ISO-2022-JP,UTF-8,EUC-JP,ISO-8859-1'); } if ($from == $to) { return $str; } return mb_convert_encoding($str, $to, $from); } /** * Convert special characters to HTML entities preventing double conversions * * @param string $strString The input string * @param boolean $blnStripInsertTags True to strip insert tags * @param boolean $blnDoubleEncode True to encode existing html entities * * @return string The converted string */ public static function specialchars($strString, $blnStripInsertTags=false, $blnDoubleEncode=false) { if ($blnStripInsertTags) { $strString = static::stripInsertTags($strString); } return htmlspecialchars((string) $strString, ENT_QUOTES, $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['characterSet'] ?? 'UTF-8', $blnDoubleEncode); } /** * Encodes specialchars and nested insert tags for attributes * * @param string $strString The input string * @param boolean $blnStripInsertTags True to strip insert tags * @param boolean $blnDoubleEncode True to encode existing html entities * * @return string The converted string */ public static function specialcharsAttribute($strString, $blnStripInsertTags=false, $blnDoubleEncode=false) { $strString = self::specialchars($strString, $blnStripInsertTags, $blnDoubleEncode); // Improve compatibility with JSON in attributes if no insert tags are present if ($strString === self::stripInsertTags($strString)) { $strString = str_replace('}}', '}}', $strString); } // Encode insert tags too $strString = preg_replace('/(?:\|attr)?}}/', '|attr}}', $strString); $strString = str_replace('|urlattr|attr}}', '|urlattr}}', $strString); // Encode all remaining single closing curly braces return preg_replace_callback('/}}?/', static fn ($match) => \strlen($match[0]) === 2 ? $match[0] : '}', $strString); } /** * Encodes disallowed protocols and specialchars for URL attributes * * @param string $strString The input string * @param boolean $blnStripInsertTags True to strip insert tags * @param boolean $blnDoubleEncode True to encode existing html entities * * @return string The converted string */ public static function specialcharsUrl($strString, $blnStripInsertTags=false, $blnDoubleEncode=false) { $strString = self::specialchars($strString, $blnStripInsertTags, $blnDoubleEncode); // Encode insert tags too $strString = preg_replace('/(?:\|urlattr|\|attr)?}}/', '|urlattr}}', $strString); // Encode all remaining single closing curly braces $strString = preg_replace_callback('/}}?/', static fn ($match) => \strlen($match[0]) === 2 ? $match[0] : '}', $strString); $colonRegEx = '(' . ':' // Plain text colon . '|' // OR . ':' // Named entity . '|' // OR . '&#(?:' // Start of entity . 'x0*+3a' // Hex number 3A . '(?![0-9a-f])' // Must not be followed by another hex digit . '|' // OR . '0*+58' // Decimal number 58 . '(?![0-9])' // Must not be followed by another digit . ');?' // Optional semicolon . ')i'; $arrAllowedUrlProtocols = System::getContainer()->getParameter('contao.sanitizer.allowed_url_protocols'); // URL-encode colon to prevent disallowed protocols if ( !preg_match('(^(?:' . implode('|', array_map('preg_quote', $arrAllowedUrlProtocols)) . '):)i', self::decodeEntities($strString)) && preg_match($colonRegEx, self::stripInsertTags($strString)) ) { $strString = preg_replace($colonRegEx, '%3A', $strString); } return $strString; } /** * Remove Contao insert tags from a string * * @param string $strString The input string * * @return string The converted string */ public static function stripInsertTags($strString) { $count = 0; do { $strString = preg_replace('/{{[^{}]*}}/', '', $strString, -1, $count); } while ($count > 0); return $strString; } /** * Standardize a parameter (strip special characters and convert spaces) * * @param string $strString The input string * @param boolean $blnPreserveUppercase True to preserver uppercase characters * * @return string The converted string */ public static function standardize($strString, $blnPreserveUppercase=false) { $arrSearch = array('/[^\pN\pL \.\&\/_-]+/u', '/[ \.\&\/-]+/'); $arrReplace = array('', '-'); $strString = html_entity_decode($strString, ENT_QUOTES, $GLOBALS['TL_CONFIG']['characterSet'] ?? 'UTF-8'); $strString = static::stripInsertTags($strString); $strString = preg_replace($arrSearch, $arrReplace, $strString); if (is_numeric(substr($strString, 0, 1))) { $strString = 'id-' . $strString; } if (!$blnPreserveUppercase) { $strString = mb_strtolower($strString); } return trim($strString, '-'); } /** * Return an unserialized array or the argument * * @param mixed $varValue The serialized string * @param boolean $blnForceArray True to always return an array * * @return mixed The unserialized array or the unprocessed input value */ public static function deserialize($varValue, $blnForceArray=false) { // Already an array if (\is_array($varValue)) { return $varValue; } // Null if ($varValue === null) { return $blnForceArray ? array() : null; } // Not a string if (!\is_string($varValue)) { return $blnForceArray ? array($varValue) : $varValue; } // Empty string if (trim($varValue) === '') { return $blnForceArray ? array() : ''; } // Not a serialized array (see #1486) if (strncmp($varValue, 'a:', 2) !== 0) { return $blnForceArray ? array($varValue) : $varValue; } // Potentially including an object (see #6724) if (preg_match('/[OoC]:\+?[0-9]+:"/', $varValue)) { trigger_error('StringUtil::deserialize() does not allow serialized objects', E_USER_WARNING); return $blnForceArray ? array($varValue) : $varValue; } $varUnserialized = @unserialize($varValue, array('allowed_classes' => false)); if (\is_array($varUnserialized)) { $varValue = $varUnserialized; } elseif ($blnForceArray) { $varValue = array($varValue); } return $varValue; } /** * Split a string into fragments, remove whitespace and return fragments as array * * @param string $strPattern The split pattern * @param string $strString The input string * * @return array The fragments array */ public static function trimsplit($strPattern, $strString) { // Split if (\strlen($strPattern) == 1) { $arrFragments = array_map('trim', explode($strPattern, $strString)); } else { $arrFragments = array_map('trim', preg_split('/' . $strPattern . '/ui', $strString)); } // Empty array if (\count($arrFragments) < 2 && !\strlen($arrFragments[0])) { $arrFragments = array(); } return $arrFragments; } /** * Strip the Contao root dir from the given absolute path * * @param string $path * * @return string * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException */ public static function stripRootDir($path) { // Compare normalized version of the paths $projectDir = Path::normalize(System::getContainer()->getParameter('kernel.project_dir')); $normalizedPath = Path::normalize($path); $length = \strlen($projectDir); if (strncmp($normalizedPath, $projectDir, $length) !== 0 || \strlen($normalizedPath) <= $length || $normalizedPath[$length] !== '/') { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Path "%s" is not inside the Contao root dir "%s"', $path, $projectDir)); } return (string) substr($path, $length + 1); } /** * Convert all ampersands into their HTML entity (default) or unencoded value * * @param string $strString * @param boolean $blnEncode * * @return string */ public static function ampersand($strString, $blnEncode=true): string { return preg_replace('/&(amp;)?/i', ($blnEncode ? '&' : '&'), $strString); } /** * Convert an input-encoded string back to the raw UTF-8 value it originated from * * It handles all Contao input encoding specifics like basic entities and encoded entities. */ public static function revertInputEncoding(string $strValue): string { $strValue = static::restoreBasicEntities($strValue); $strValue = static::decodeEntities($strValue); // Ensure valid UTF-8 if (preg_match('//u', $strValue) !== 1) { $substituteCharacter = mb_substitute_character(); mb_substitute_character(0xFFFD); $strValue = mb_convert_encoding($strValue, 'UTF-8', 'UTF-8'); mb_substitute_character($substituteCharacter); } return $strValue; } /** * Convert an input-encoded string to plain text UTF-8 * * Strips or replaces insert tags, strips HTML tags, decodes entities, escapes insert tag braces. * * @param bool $blnRemoveInsertTags True to remove insert tags instead of replacing them * * @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.13, to be removed in Contao 5; * use the Contao\CoreBundle\String\HtmlDecoder service instead */ public static function inputEncodedToPlainText(string $strValue, bool $blnRemoveInsertTags = false): string { trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.13', 'Using "StringUtil::inputEncodedToPlainText()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use the "Contao\CoreBundle\String\HtmlDecoder" service instead.'); return System::getContainer()->get('contao.string.html_decoder')->inputEncodedToPlainText($strValue, $blnRemoveInsertTags); } /** * Convert an HTML string to plain text with normalized white space * * It handles all Contao input encoding specifics like insert tags, basic * entities and encoded entities and is meant to be used with content from * fields that have the allowHtml flag enabled. * * @param bool $blnRemoveInsertTags True to remove insert tags instead of replacing them * * @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.13, to be removed in Contao 5; * use the Contao\CoreBundle\String\HtmlDecoder service instead */ public static function htmlToPlainText(string $strValue, bool $blnRemoveInsertTags = false): string { trigger_deprecation('contao/core-bundle', '4.13', 'Using "StringUtil::htmlToPlainText()" has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use the "Contao\CoreBundle\String\HtmlDecoder" service instead.'); return System::getContainer()->get('contao.string.html_decoder')->htmlToPlainText($strValue, $blnRemoveInsertTags); } /** * @param float|int $number */ public static function numberToString($number, int $precision = null): string { if (\is_int($number)) { if (null === $precision) { return (string) $number; } $number = (float) $number; } if (!\is_float($number)) { throw new \TypeError(sprintf('Argument 1 passed to %s() must be of the type int|float, %s given', __METHOD__, get_debug_type($number))); } if ($precision === null) { $precision = (int) \ini_get('precision'); } // Special value from PHP ini if ($precision === -1) { $precision = 14; } if ($precision <= 1) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Precision must be greater than 1, "%s" given.', $precision)); } if (!preg_match('/^(-?)(\d)\.(\d+)e([+-]\d+)$/', sprintf('%.' . ($precision - 1) . 'e', $number), $match)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unable to convert "%s" into a string representation.', $number)); } $significantDigits = rtrim($match[2] . $match[3], '0'); $shiftBy = (int) $match[4] + 1; $signPart = $match[1]; $wholePart = substr(str_pad($significantDigits, $shiftBy, '0'), 0, max(0, $shiftBy)) ?: '0'; $decimalPart = str_repeat('0', max(0, -$shiftBy)) . substr($significantDigits, max(0, $shiftBy)); return rtrim("$signPart$wholePart.$decimalPart", '.'); } } class_alias(StringUtil::class, 'StringUtil'); An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error

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